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Baby Weigh Station

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Did you know there are scales at Barrow Library and Walney Library for self-weighing your baby?

Available each day during Library opening times, no booking required.

Barrow Library, Ramsden Square, Barrow in Furness
Cumbria. LA14 1LL

Walney Library, Central Drive, Barrow-In-Furness Cumbria.  LA14 3HY

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Baby Buddies 0 - 6 months

A free six-week course for parents and their babies. Come and join us to chat, play and learn about topics such as weaning, bonding, attachment, and oral health. Booking is required.

Every Tuesday for 6 weeks starting 1st October 2024 10-11am

Bram Longstaffe Family and Wellbeing Centre
Barrow Island
LA14 2R

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Family Hub Voices Open Morning



We want to invite local families to contribute to the design and delivery of the Family Hubs to make sure they meet the needs of our local community.   

We are looking for parents and carers who are willing to work with us to shape the Family Hub services in Barrow and Dalton. 

Refreshments Provided.

Family Hub-Barrow Library-  Thursday 24th October 10am-11.30am

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Midwife Clinic

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Midwife clinic every Friday 9:30am-4pm bookable via your Midwife.

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Perinatal Mental Health Clinic

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Perinatal Mental Health Clinic supported by the specialist Perinatal Mental Community Health Team.
Our mental health is as important as our physical health, but it can be easily over looked with so much to do as parent or carer.

Booking via Specialist Perinatal Community Mental Health Team

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Health Visitor Clinic Barrow

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First Wednesday of each month. 

Booking essential via your Health Visitor Team.

Please book your clinic appointments by calling your Health Visitor admin team on 01229402845.

Sensory room photo

Sensory Room @ Barrow Library

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Did you know the Library have a sensory room? Sensory rooms provide a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of real life and engage a child in their most important work - PLAY!

Barrow Library
Ramsden Square
Barrow in Furness
LA14 1LL

Open Monday to Saturday, no need to book, just pop along.

Sensory room photo

Sensory Room @ Barrow Library


Did you know the Library have a sensory room? Sensory rooms provide a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of real life and engage a child in their most important work - PLAY!

Barrow Library
Ramsden Square
Barrow in Furness
LA14 1LL

Open every day, no need to book, just pop along.

Opening times

Monday: 9:30am to 6pm

Tuesday: 9:30am to 6pm

Wednesday: 9:30am to 6pm

Thursday: 9:30am to 6pm

Friday: 9:30am to 5pm

Saturday: 10am to 4pm

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Terrific Toddlers

A fun and exciting 4-week course to help with your Toddlers health, getting active, early reading potty training and communication. Booking is required. New dates and venues are added regularly.

Your toddler must be of walking age - up to 4 years old.

Starting Friday, 04 Oct 2024 10:00 am for 4 weeks

Bram Longstaffe Family and Well being centre,      Farm Street
Barrow Island
LA14 2RX

Group Poster

Baby Buddies 0 - 6 months

A free six-week course for parents and their babies. Come and join us to chat, play and learn about topics such as weaning, bonding, attachment, and oral health. Booking is required.

Family Hub-Barrow Library- starting Wednesday 6th November 10.30am-11.30am